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Carving out a path that is my own through the hilarity of the sacred profanities of life I merge into chaos and order, finding the inner balance within.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bright light

To erase the word regret,
never let it rear it's ugly head  
To not need to bury the past,
let it stay alive
(enjoy that it's over;
another story to tell,
another lesson learnt
There was many a time 
you didn't get burnt
Laughter spilling over through 
passages and trails running from here
back to the then of childhood)

To live now,
let fresh water sprinkle over your eyes-
isn't that the miracle that helps you survive?
Isn't it why 
we stumble onward through  life?

To walk outside,
under the shade of the willow tree
Explore narrow alleys,
duck into hallways full of potential wizardry
Push on tablets on old church walls,
hoping there'll be a secret passage 
into which we can fall
Tumble down,
to lands only fairy books talk about

Adventuring through scenes from your dreams,
seeing them come to life,
crossing that great divide
between imagination and material reality,
no separation between fact and fantasy
Till it doesn't happen
there's no certainty that it's not a possibility

See the mist envelope,
wrap itself around shadows of doom,
(suss them out)
let rays of sun fill into empty rooms

You know you're so much more
than the worst you could ever do
that light within that shines so bright,
it won't burn out 
or fade away into the night

Hold on
you are more than the silence that reverberates 
you are more than the narrator of this story that you tell

Right in front of your eyes
is everything you can be,
all the good that you can achieve
all the people whose pain you can ease

Because people,
they don't always need to reap what they sow,
sometimes they deserve forgiveness
and understanding in their pursuit of being whole
Lend a ear to listen and observe 
how suddenly light your soul feels,
there's beauty in every little thing
Absorb and breathe it in

And people,
they won't always let you down
they won't always mess you around
As flawed as we all can be,
sometimes if you free fall
you'll find that you see
more than what you expected there to be

If you stick around on the train,
sooner or later
we'll find a station that looks like home
makes the ride more fun,
it's better than being alone,
being just the one
All on your own. 

June 8 2011

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