About Me

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Carving out a path that is my own through the hilarity of the sacred profanities of life I merge into chaos and order, finding the inner balance within.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pacifist takeover

Root for the underdog;
the one without a cause
He is the future of the world
Haven't you heard,
he's the one who will save your soul,
he's the meek
in his fist
he'll hold the world

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Rat-race

Sometimes I get lost in this maze
My head goes in a daze
Get me out, Get me out
Tired of living in this rat race

The television shows me that it's a dog eat dog world
the only people that get remembered are the ones
whose bank accounts scoff at a million dollars
Buried under those stacks
lie a million people put to work with stiff collars
Life's pretty sweet when you can afford top dollar

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stone gargoyle

I once fell in love with a stone gargoyle
that stayed just down the street
A stone gargoyle that I tried in vain
to sweep off his feet

He could have been made of glass
He could have been made of bone
But his immobile heart
was made of brittle stone

Friday, June 17, 2011

To Re-discover

It's never too late
to turn it all around

I'm learning how to settle in
back into my own skin
and the first thing I've learnt
is how good it feels
to discover me again

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bright light

To erase the word regret,
never let it rear it's ugly head  
To not need to bury the past,
let it stay alive
(enjoy that it's over;
another story to tell,
another lesson learnt
There was many a time 
you didn't get burnt
Laughter spilling over through 
passages and trails running from here
back to the then of childhood)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Black rain

Black rain falling on your skin
Black rain reeling you in
savoring your taste,
feeding on your hate

From one generation to another

When you question the way I lead my life,
You made us this way
you are the reason I am who I am

The road I never took

It's the road I never took
That moment which was never quite understood
It's the vague feeling of never knowing what's real
The touch of rain against my fingertips