About Me

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Carving out a path that is my own through the hilarity of the sacred profanities of life I merge into chaos and order, finding the inner balance within.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Love by the sea

I was terrified of my love
Scared it would never go away,
afraid it would start to decay


I set my love adrift,
on a raft flimsily built,
and I don't know if it'll survive
the roughness of the tides

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New beginnings

And you know there's no point
in recriminations
and justifications


obsessing over
the ramifications,
and pontificating
over the sad truth of it all
The past dwells in the past
(and there it should remain)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is for you.

I sent out a whisper to Creation today
Told it what I finally knew;
it's always been you

Shatter my soul
into a million pieces,
more skilled in your craft than a glass blower
you breathe me back together,
inhale me in

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pixie dust

Even if I dream my life away
will you still hold a corner in the centre of the universe for me?

Or will the stars slip out of its proximity
crashing down,
leaving trails of pixie dust flying around

Circles in the sand

Silence reverberates,
fills in the empty spaces 
that lie between your heart and mine

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Do You Like Them Apples

I'm going to take my pirates hat
and sail off into the wild, wild sea

Take off into the sunset
without saying goodbye,
No longer will you be
the apple of my eye.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

From Peace to Pieces

War destroys, 
Peace to ashes,
dust upon dust
One body laid out over another,
one life devalued by the other 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pacifist takeover

Root for the underdog;
the one without a cause
He is the future of the world
Haven't you heard,
he's the one who will save your soul,
he's the meek
in his fist
he'll hold the world

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Rat-race

Sometimes I get lost in this maze
My head goes in a daze
Get me out, Get me out
Tired of living in this rat race

The television shows me that it's a dog eat dog world
the only people that get remembered are the ones
whose bank accounts scoff at a million dollars
Buried under those stacks
lie a million people put to work with stiff collars
Life's pretty sweet when you can afford top dollar

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stone gargoyle

I once fell in love with a stone gargoyle
that stayed just down the street
A stone gargoyle that I tried in vain
to sweep off his feet

He could have been made of glass
He could have been made of bone
But his immobile heart
was made of brittle stone

Friday, June 17, 2011

To Re-discover

It's never too late
to turn it all around

I'm learning how to settle in
back into my own skin
and the first thing I've learnt
is how good it feels
to discover me again

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bright light

To erase the word regret,
never let it rear it's ugly head  
To not need to bury the past,
let it stay alive
(enjoy that it's over;
another story to tell,
another lesson learnt
There was many a time 
you didn't get burnt
Laughter spilling over through 
passages and trails running from here
back to the then of childhood)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Black rain

Black rain falling on your skin
Black rain reeling you in
savoring your taste,
feeding on your hate

From one generation to another

When you question the way I lead my life,
You made us this way
you are the reason I am who I am

The road I never took

It's the road I never took
That moment which was never quite understood
It's the vague feeling of never knowing what's real
The touch of rain against my fingertips

Friday, April 15, 2011

Library of the Lovelorn

It rose up straight from the earth,
this library of the lovelorn

Page upon page
of every dream they ever dreamt
that went unremembered


Entire universes exist within a persons eyes
Worlds that are just barely disguised,
sparkling as though they think they'll never die

Take a journey through this roller coaster ride
Flecks of colour that lure you in,
then shut you out as quick as a blink

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Glass Jar

I feel these four walls closing in,
stifling me
It's getting harder and harder to breathe

It's like a little glass jar
with a butterfly stuck in
Close off the holes one by one,
cut off her supply of air
Watch her fluttering wings

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Still waters do not always run deep,
I sought rest at your feet
The result rendered me incomplete

Passive aggressive notions of
what lies beyond the ever after
If there's beauty in breakdown
there's a possibility it may never be found

The Spider's Dance

There is an agony
that is experienced
when coming face to face
with the person in the mirror
and not seeing the mask,
the one so carefully arranged upon,
but instead
seeing the raw exposed mess
that lies beneath

The Beginning

Before the articulation
of thought
and emotion took form
there was the essence of
with the promise
of everything I could be.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Only to you.

You are my weak spot; my achilles heel
Press down,
bruise the skin
Where you end, I begin.

Dream within a dream

I woke up terrified yesterday
only to find myself
in a dream within a dream

The darkness closed in
I called my dreams bluff
and awoke, ever so smugly

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sweetest Sin

Your pleasure meshed
into my soul
I was overcome
by my need to make
you lose control.

Queen Of The Damned

The Queen Of The Damned meets a boy
of ordinary heart and mind,
a commoner in her Queendom
but not a follower in her midst

He is ordinary and yet not so
He pokes fun at her vestigial, royal robe
Audaciously, he laughs, at her airs


Like an addict
crazed with lust
for the next fix
I crave to feel
the rush
of your name
flooding into my

Synapses overcome
with emotion
that defies control,
the image of you
haunts me
the dark fold
of a night
that is not
with the taste
of reprieve.

bittersweet flower
of pain
that spreads
from inside
my chest
should encourage me
to escape
but it sucks me deeper in.

Whirling round
and round
and round
this bottomless spiral
this world has trapped
me in,
I see
riddles and rhymes
merged and combined-
almost but never
close but far,
in the distance
you manage
to toe
over my
boundary lines
with no understanding
of where you are.

One step at a time
one forward one back,
we wrap ourselves
into the lies we tell
to keep from falling apart.

To help myself
fall asleep
I tell myself
will be achieved
even if you

my reach.

July 2004.